Do you ever wonder how facebook or other services still know where you are? It's not a mystery it's all in the technology. When you retrieve information using your phone you have to communicate to an ip address somewhere, right there you are already located and a location can be triangulated. Every message requires three things, without them there is no effective communication. The equation of the communication in every situation is the same. You must have a message to send without it the equation would be incomplete. The other necessary requirements are a sender, the one sending the communication and by now you may have already guessed the final piece of the equation. To complete the sequence you must have a receiver to accept the message. A teacher and mentor of mine who recently passed away was the person who taught me this and I can never forget it. This equation sounds simple but without it all computing electronically would not exist. Technology all works using a "handshake" between the sender and receiver of the message.
The TLS Handshake Protocol involves the following steps:
- The client sends a "Client hello" message to the server, along with the client's random value and supported cipher suites.
- The server responds by sending a "Server hello" message to the client, along with the server's random value.
- The server sends its certificate to the client for authentication and may request a certificate from the client. The server sends the "Server hello done" message.
- If the server has requested a certificate from the client, the client sends it.
- The client creates a random Pre-Master Secret and encrypts it with the public key from the server's certificate, sending the encrypted Pre-Master Secret to the server.
- The server receives the Pre-Master Secret. The server and client each generate the Master Secret and session keys based on the Pre-Master Secret.
- The client sends "Change cipher spec" notification to server to indicate that the client will start using the new session keys for hashing and encrypting messages. Client also sends "Client finished" message.
- Server receives "Change cipher spec" and switches its record layer security state to symmetric encryption using the session keys. Server sends "Server finished" message to the client.
- Client and server can now exchange application data over the secured channel they have established. All messages sent from client to server and from server to client are encrypted using session key.
So turning off your gps actually does limit the data in between secondary applications and services on your mobile device but will not actually remove you from anyones eyes, your tinder might just not function right.We wanted to be more connected, this is the only way.
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